Saturday, January 21, 2006

Changing of the Guard

Spent the day lounging at the man-made beach in the city. It was great. There are little lagoons off to the side of the main beach, but we stayed where the fun (cute boys) was located.

There was a group of pretty rambunctious Japanese children thrashing around in the water. They were every lifeguard’s nightmare. Then, to the morbid joy of everyone on the beach, one of them seemed to be struggling in the water. Wait, hear me out. We didn’t want the kid to die, we just wanted to see a lifeguard in action. He was David Hasselhoff incarnate. He just dove in and plucked the kid out of the water. It was magical.

The whole “beach in the middle of a bustling city” is a lovely idea. Work in the morning and tan on the beach during your lunch break. The Australians have the whole Mediterranean mentality going on. Siestas everyday. They don’t seem to like to work. Right at 5pm, (usually earlier but never later) stores close and everyone is rushing off to restaurants, beaches, or home. They practically plough you over in attempt to get as far away from work as possible. Even automated phone lines have hours of operation. Apparently they need a break too. I can really learn to love this lifestyle. One of you will have to come and drag me back.

Peace out.


Koala Sightings: 0

Sunburns: 0 (give me time)

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